
Tag: cathe’s workout rotation

Cathe's July 2024 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s July 2024 Workout Rotation

This month ( Cathe’s July 2024 Workout Rotation ) we’ll challenge our bodies with a mix of cardio workouts, as well as strength training utilizing both weights and resistance bands. Summer is in full swing so take any extra days off needed to enjoy summer festivities with friends and family! Stay active, stay healthy, and have fun!

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Cathe's May 2024 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s May 2024 Workout Rotation

This month (May 2024 Workout Rotation)we will visit strength training routines from multiple series. Some weeks will be a little more aggressive, while others will have additional recovery days built in.

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Cathe’s April 2024 Workout Rotation

Happy Spring, Cathletes! Springtime is all about growth, renewal, and a fresh start for things that have been dormant throughout the colder winter months. Let’s apply this fresh energy to ourselves and our fitness journeys this month with an intense mix of weight training techniques and heart happy cardio! Throughout the month, feel free to add in recovery workouts as often as you like. If you need additional days off please take them to heal and re-group, and come back ready to go! Sleep well, eat well, and stay hydrated!  You’ve got this!

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Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation

This month ( March 2024 Workout Rotation) we’ll slow things down a bit and focus on some heavy lifting. Three days each week you’ll perform heavy weighted body part routines, and two times per week you’ll do shorter hiit cardio routines. You’ll also notice that you have two off/recovery days each week. Taking the extra time to recover will help to restore the strength and energy that you need to give your all to your workouts. You can use these days to rest completely or to enjoy one of my recovery routines. Feel free to do all low impact cardio routines in place of the high impact if desired. Try to fuel your body with solid nutrition so that it can perform at its best and as always, have some fun!

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Cathe's February 2024 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s February 2024 Workout Rotation

Hi Everyone!  This month (February 2024 Workout Rotation) we have a mixed bag of workouts from many different series. Each week you’ll have a mix of upper, lower, and total body weight training as well as three different cardio types. One of the cardio workouts each week is listed as a step routine, so for those of you who are non-steppers, feel free to substitute a cardio of choice on those days. Add additional rest days if needed and make sure you stay hydrated and fed with solid nutrition! Have fun, everyone!

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Cathe's January 2024 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s January 2024 Workout Rotation

January is often the perfect time to not only reflect on where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished, but also to think about the months ahead and what things we are going to do for our own mental health and self-care. Of course, fitness falls into this category and whether you have been going strong all along, or have fallen off the wagon a bit, there is a clean slate ahead to start fresh and get moving. This kickstart January 2024 workout rotation includes not only my newest workouts but also a mix of workouts past. You’ll find a little sprinkle of everything to shake up your routine and get things off to a great start! 

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Cathe's November 2023 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s November 2023 Workout Rotation

This month ( November 2023 Workout Rotation) we’ll shake things up with 2 weeks of split routines. On split days you’ll be performing both cardio and weights on the same day. You can choose to do the whole workout from start to finish or do the cardio and weight portions at different times during the day.  On the two weeks that you aren’t focused on split routines, you’ll do your weights and cardio on separate days during the week, but you will still finish each week with a workout that includes both. This mix will help to keep your body guessing from week to week and give your metabolism a boost. One recovery day and one off day have been included per week, but the off day can be an additional recovery workout if you choose.  Stay hydrated, eat well, and have fun!

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Cathe September 2023 Workout Rotation

Cathe September 2023 Workout Rotation

This month ( September 2023 Workout Rotation) we’ll be mixing up various lifting and cardio types to keep our muscles fired up and working hard. Keep your body fueled properly and take extra rest days if you need them! Please feel free to add in extra recovery workouts on any days that you’re feeling especially sore. You’ve got this!

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