Tag: calcium

Calcium and Vitamin D: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Calcium and Vitamin D: Too Much of a Good Thing?

You need calcium and vitamin D in your diet for bone health. Some people take calcium and vitamin D supplements to make sure they’re getting enough – but is this a good idea? A new study calls this into question, especially in older women. Find out why dietary calcium sources are best and why it’s important to check a vitamin D level.

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Vitamin d and calcium: Are They Important for Fat Loss?

Calcium and Vitamin D: Are They Important for Fat Loss?

Most of the supplements you see advertised for weight loss have no benefits, and at worse, they may be dangerous. On the other hand, certain dietary components do seem to have an impact on fat loss. An example? Vitamin D and calcium. Find out what recent research shows about how they influence fat loss.

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