Tag: benefits

What is Nutrient Periodization?

What is Nutrient Periodization?

What is nutrient periodization and how can it help you achieve your fitness goals? This article discusses the concept of nutrient periodization and the benefits of adjusting macronutrient intake based on your training.

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Concurrent Training

Benefits and Drawbacks of Concurrent Training

Concurrent training, including circuit-style workouts, offers a way to get a workout in the shortest time possible – but do they interfere with strength gains? This article discusses the issue of whether concurrent training workouts interfere with each other and what the pros and cons of doing aerobic and resistance training on the same day are.

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The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Exercise

The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Exercise

We now know low-grade inflammation is a factor in some diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases and cancer. You also know that a healthy diet helps keep inflammation in check – but what about exercise? This article discusses the role exercise plays in reducing inflammation.

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Benefits of Jump Squats

Benefits of Jump Squats

If you weight train, you probably do squats. Squats are essential for building lower body strength and firm legs and buttocks. They also burn calories because you’re working large muscle groups. There’s another way to tone your lower body and build explosive power – with squat jumps. What are the benefits of adding squat jumps to your fitness routine?

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Can Exercise Delay Aging?

Can Exercise Delay Aging?

Most people would love to find a way to slow down the aging process. As research shows, you may not have to look very far. Exercise offers a number of anti-aging benefits and may even protect your cells against aging. Find out more.

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7 Benefits of Unilateral Training

7 Benefits of Unilateral Training

Are there advantages to training one side of your body at a time? People who won’t do unilateral training are missing out on a great way to diversify their workout and get greater benefits. Here are seven reasons to add some unilateral exercises to your exercise routine.

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Why You Should Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

Why You Should Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

It seems that everyone is seeking a magic substance that will confer vitality, youth, and beauty. Often products with rare components and expensive price tags are purchased in this pursuit. However a common household staple can boost your health, your looks, and the comfort of your home more than you might have realized. Apple cider vinegar, something many people have in a cupboard, is a homey staple that ought to move to center stage.

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