
Category: Weight Loss

Lose Weight

4 Proven Habits of People Who Lose Weight and Maintain It

Studies show most people who lose significant weight regain the weight they lost within a year or two. Still, it is possible to maintain a lower body weight. According to the National Weight Control Registry, these four lifestyle habits will help you maintain the weight you lose.

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Stop Dieting and Adopt an Anti-Diet Instead

Dieting isn’t fun at all. It’s also not sustainable in the long run. Try a different approach. An anti-diet approach that focuses on nutrient-dense foods and promotes health is considered healthier and more sustainable than dieting.

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Willpower and weightloss

Stop Using Willpower to Lose Weight, It Never Works

Regular exercise and a healthy diet are the keys to losing weight. The problem many people have is that they believe willpower alone will keep them on track. This isn’t true. Using willpower alone to lose weight is an ineffective way of losing weight. Here’s why.

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