Is Butter Healthy – or Not?

Is Butter Healthy – or Not?

Pass the butter, please. Only a decade ago health-conscious people were more likely to ask for margarine, believing it to be the heart-healthy option. That was before studies began to show trans-fat is worse for your heart than the saturated fat in butter. Not only did research link trans-fat with heart disease, but it was also associated with an increased risk of death. Now people are again spreading butter on their toast. Butter is back – but how healthy is it?

Saturated Fat in Butter

No doubt butter is high in saturated fat. Some sources say saturated fat has no role in a heart-healthy diet – or does it? A recent meta-analysis published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, calls this idea into question. After looking at more than seventy studies, researchers found no evidence to show saturated fat increases heart disease risk. In fact, there was no significant difference in heart disease rates among people eating diets high in saturated fat versus those that got little of it in their diet.

Although this study is being criticized for including people with strong risk factors for heart disease and isn’t the final word on the topic, it suggests the dangers of saturated fat may have been overstated. If that’s the case, the saturated fats in butter may not be heart-unhealthy after all.

Fats in Butter

Butter is a good source of short and medium-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are processed differently by your body than the long-chain fatty acids abundant in animal foods and palm oil. Research shows medium-chain fatty acids from sources like butter and coconut oil are more satiating than long-chain fatty acids. After absorption, medium-chain fatty acids go directly to the liver where they’re converted to energy, much like carbohydrates. Studies also show medium-chain fats increase energy expenditure. Therefore, these fats give your metabolism a modest boost when you eat them.

A short-chain amino acid in butter called butyric acid has positive health benefits as well. In mice, butyric acid improves insulin sensitivity, increases energy expenditure and improves the function of mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles inside cells. This suggests butyric acid from sources like butter may protect against metabolic syndrome, a common health problem that’s a precursor to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Butyric acid also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Butter From Grass-Fed Cows is a Good Source of CLA

CLA, also called conjugated linoleic acid, is a natural form of trans-fat. Unlike artificial trans-fats, CLA is linked with health benefits. Preliminary research suggests CLA may lower the risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer. Other research shows dietary CLA improves insulin sensitivity. These are all good things when it comes to health. CLA became a popular supplement among bodybuilders after research showed it reduced body fat and increased lean body mass – but not all studies show this benefit. If CLA does increase lean body mass, the effect is likely to be modest. CLA is most abundant in dairy from grass-fed cattle. In fact, grass-fed animals have up to 400% more CLA than those that are grain-fed. It’s best to get CLA from natural sources like grass-fed dairy rather than supplements.

Vitamins and Minerals

Butter from grass-fed cows is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K2, iodine and selenium. The role vitamin K2 plays in health is only beginning to be appreciated. Preliminary research shows vitamin K2 helps regulate calcium by telling it where to go – to bones and teeth – rather than to blood vessels where it could form plaques that lead to coronary artery disease. Therefore, diets higher in vitamin K2 may help protect against heart disease and osteoporosis. Some vitamin K1, the form of vitamin K involved in blood clotting, can be converted to K2 but not necessarily enough to offer a maximal health benefit. Most people could benefit from getting more vitamin K2 in their diet and butter from grass-fed cows is a good source.

The Health Benefits of Butter

As you can see, butter is rich in some vitamins and minerals including vitamin K2, a vitamin that most people don’t get enough of. In addition, a significant portion of the fat in butter is in the form of short and medium-chain fatty acids. These fats appear to positively impact metabolic health. When it comes to butter versus margarine, make the healthier choice – butter. Margarine is made from vegetable oils that are exposed to heat, chemicals and highly processed. The high heat likely damages the unsaturated oils, producing free radicals. In addition, some margarine still contains synthetic trans-fat, the worst form of fat for your arteries and for your health. Finally, synthetic vitamins and artificial coloring are added to make the final product. There’s nothing natural about a tub of margarine.

When choosing butter or margarine, go for the butter, but choose grass-fed butter for its higher K2 and CLA content. Skip the margarine and butter substitutes entirely.



Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Study reveals broad dangers of trans fats”

Association of Dietary, Circulating, and Supplement Fatty Acids With Coronary Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine. Published online March 18, 2014.

The APOCS Lipid Library. “Fatty Acids – Straight Chain Saturated”

Fat Detection: Taste, Texture, and Post Ingestive Effects. Montmayeur JP, le Coutre J, editors. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2010.

J. Nutr. March 1, 2002 vol. 132 no. 3 329-332.

Diabetes. Jul 2009; 58(7): 1509-1517.

Adv Nutr July 2011 Adv Nutr vol. 2: 332-354, 2011.

Am J Clin Nutr June 2004 vol. 79 no. 6 1118-1125.

U.S. Pharmacist. “The Emerging Role of Vitamin K2”


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