Exercise and its antidepressant effect
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The Antidepressant Effects of Exercise and Why It’s Physical Therapy for the Mind

If you struggle with depression, you may wonder whether exercise can be as effective as antidepressants for treating the most common symptoms? Read on and find out what science shows about exercise and its role in treating depression and how a workout benefits mental health as much as physical health.

Resting and exercise heart rate
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The Best Time and Way to Check Your Resting and Exercise Heart Rate

It’s pretty common to check your exercise heart rate during or after a workout. Some people even wear fitness trackers to keep an eye on their heart rate. As long as you know your heart rate during exercise, you’ll be able to stay in the aerobic zone, but you should also know your heart rate…

Workout Beverages
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5 Best Post Workout Beverages for Exercise Recovery

Water is essential to life, but people often don’t drink enough fluid. Even mild dehydration can reduce motivation and mood and even cause fatigue and a mild headache. In this article, you’ll discover five of the healthiest beverages for staying hydrated after exercise and anytime.

Brain aging differences between women and men
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Do Women Experience Slower Brain Aging Than Men?

The human brain ages just as the rest of you. In fact, brains are susceptible to oxidative stress since they use so much oxygen and are highly sensitive to free radicals. Are there gender differences in brain aging? Women may have the advantage when it comes to brain aging. Here’s why.