Body fat and strength training
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5 Tips for Losing More Body Fat Through Strength Training

Do you do cardio to lose body fat? You should be strength training! Strength training has many benefits that cardio cannot provide, including helping you get stronger and lose weight while doing it. Read on to find out how and get tips for losing more body fat when you strength train.

Exercise routine
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Shake It Up! When Your Exercise Routine Becomes Too Routine

Starting an exercise program is admirable and if you stick with it, you’ll be rewarded with a fitter, healthier body. Some of the rewards of working out, like a sense of accomplishment and better mental health, will show up right away. Others, like strength gains, take longer, but to see those benefits, you have to enjoy your workout enough to keep doing it. Here’s how to keep your workouts from becoming too routine.

7 mistakes that zap your energy
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7 Mistakes You Make When You Wake Up That Tire You Out Before Lunch

 Do you struggle to get through the morning because you feel tired before noon? It may be the way you start your day. How many of these energy-zapping mistakes do you make in the morning? Here are seven common ones and how to correct them for an energy boost.

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Try This Nutritional Hack to Get More Beta-Carotene from Your Next Salad

One reason to eat a salad every day is to get more anti-inflammatory antioxidants in your diet. One of these is called beta-carotene. But are you getting the full benefits of the beta-carotene in salads? Here’s a nutritional hack that will ensure that you do.