Sweet Tooth
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5 Easy but Effective Ways to Tame a Sweet Tooth and Reduce Dietary Sugar

Is your sweet tooth and cravings for junk food out of control? If sugar is a staple in your diet, you could be headed for health problems. In this article, you’ll discover 5 effective ways to reduce sugar in your diet and not experience cravings.  

Sauna Blanket
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Sauna Blanket Benefits: Could Lying on One Improve Your Health?

Can you enjoy the benefits of an infrared sauna without investing in your own spa? Sauna blankets are relatively new on the scene and are becoming more popular as an alternative to sitting in a sauna. What type of health benefits can you get from a sauna blanket and how do they work?

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5 Natural Approaches to Insomnia That Don’t Require a Prescription

Struggling to sleep at night? It’s a frustrating issue. So much so that people turn to prescription medications with side effects. Fortunately, there are natural approaches. Here are five non-prescription sleep aids for insomnia that are safer and not habit-forming.