Checking Your Blood Pressure
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Are You Checking Your Blood Pressure in Both Arms? Here’s Why It’s Important

Have you checked your blood pressure recently? If not, when was the last time you did so? Make sure to check it in both arms when you do. This article gives you a deeper understanding of why it’s so important to do this. 

Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes
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These 5 Factors Explain Why Exercise is Powerful Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes can both be treated with exercise. Sedentary people are more likely to develop diabetes, or to have the condition worsen, than those who exercise regularly. But why? Here are five ways exercise lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and improves health.

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Selenium: The Hidden Health Nutrient Everyone Overlooks and the 9 Best Sources

Providing antioxidant protection and maintaining healthy thyroid functions, selenium is an essential nutrient for the body. Do you get enough of it? Here are nine of the best sources of selenium and why it’s the “hidden” nutrient that may be missing from your diet.

Cathe's March 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s March 2022 Workout Rotation

I know that you have been crushing your workout routines with intensity and strength!  This month we’ll keep the momentum going with a wide range of workouts that will have you huffing, puffing, lifting and transforming! Some workouts are longer and others shorter, but all of them require your focus and strength. Be sure to take extra rest as needed throughout the month and keep drinking your water.  You’ve got this!