High-Intensity Strength Training
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High-Intensity Strength Training: Is It Better Than Pilates for Building Bone Mass?

When you’re over 50 years old, what type of exercise is the most effective for preserving and growing your bone mass? Is it high-intensity resistance training or Pilates? A new study answers that question. 

Lose Weight
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4 Proven Habits of People Who Lose Weight and Maintain It

Studies show most people who lose significant weight regain the weight they lost within a year or two. Still, it is possible to maintain a lower body weight. According to the National Weight Control Registry, these four lifestyle habits will help you maintain the weight you lose.

Checking Your Blood Pressure
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Are You Checking Your Blood Pressure in Both Arms? Here’s Why It’s Important

Have you checked your blood pressure recently? If not, when was the last time you did so? Make sure to check it in both arms when you do. This article gives you a deeper understanding of why it’s so important to do this. 

Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes
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These 5 Factors Explain Why Exercise is Powerful Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes can both be treated with exercise. Sedentary people are more likely to develop diabetes, or to have the condition worsen, than those who exercise regularly. But why? Here are five ways exercise lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and improves health.