Effect of exercise on NAFLD
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Science-Backed Health Benefits of Exercise for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Oftentimes, doctors advise patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to engage in physical activity. But why? Discover science-backed reasons exercise is a potent medicine for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.‌

Heart Disease
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6 Factors That Make You More Susceptible to Heart Disease You Didn’t Know About

Cardiovascular disease is not exclusively caused by high cholesterol levels. Other factors play a role in clogged arteries and cardiovascular disease. This article will bring to light 6 surprising contributors to heart disease that you might not know about.

Strength training for better sleep quality
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Does Strength Training Improve Sleep Quality More than Aerobic Exercise?

Research shows exercise may improve sleep quality but what type is best? A new study suggests that strength training may be more effective for getting a good night’s sleep than aerobic exercise. Here’s what the study shows.