Healthjy Smoothie
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7 Smart Strategies to Make Your Next Smoothie Healthier

Whipping up a smoothie is an effortless way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. While some smoothies are low in sugar and high in nutrients, most aren’t that healthy. But if you’re a smoothie lover, you can make your own at home. This article looks at seven tips for making homemade smoothies healthier.

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7 Ways to Be More Consistent with Exercise During the Holidays

The holidays bring with it more stress and things to do. Sometimes, exercise gets pushed down on the list. Yet you still need it to be your best mentally and physically. This article looks at seven ways to stay consistent with exercise during the holiday season.

Heat Wrap Therapy
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Does Science Show Heat Wrap Therapy Is Effective for Back Pain?

There are a lot of moving parts in your lower back, so it’s not surprising that this part of your body can cause pain and discomfort. This article looks at whether heat wraps are an effective strategy for easing lower back pain and whether they’re supported by science.