Kickbox Stretch
Cathe and Lorraine enjoy a relaxing stretch after working hard in Kickbox
Cathe and Lorraine enjoy a relaxing stretch after working hard in Kickbox
The 4 day Split series contains two Core routines, but the Ab workout on Kickbox seemed to be everyone’s favorite.
4 Day Split – Kickbox Core work.
Cathe and Lorraine work their outer thigh with a 6ft medium tension band.
A picture of Jai at the end of the outer thigh leg press combo.
Cathe and Lorraine doing barbell squats in 4 Day Split – Kickbox.
Cathe performs a front squat with heels elevated on 2×4.
Cathe Jai are shown holding a heavy dumbbell on a high step as they begin to do a combo leg press outer thigh exercise.
Cathe, Jai and Lorraine work their legs, glutes and outer thigh in this exercise on a high step.
Cathe and Jai perform dumbbell lunges with one leg elevated on a high step platform
Cathe and Lorraine are shown doing a unique way of doing a plie squat with a dumbbell that you will really feel.
I’m not sure if this picture proves that it is possible to go faster than the speed of light or if the camera settings couldn’t handle the fast action of this punch combo.