Restorative Exercise
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5 Types of Restorative Exercise for Recovery

Intense exercise, such as HIIT training and strength training can improve your body composition and cardiovascular health, but your body needs to recover between more intense exercise sessions. That’s where restorative exercise comes in. Here are some forms of exercise you can do during those “easy” days to help your body recover.

Oxidative Stress
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7 Diet and Lifestyle Factors That Increase Oxidative Stress and Contribute to Aging

Discover lifestyle factors that contribute to oxidative stress, which can lead to accelerated aging. Learn about the role of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, smoking, and environmental toxins in increasing oxidative stress and their implications for aging.

Vegetable Stems andleafs
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Don’t Let Nutritious Food Go to Waste: How to Use Every Part of a Vegetable

Vegetables are one of the healthiest foods you can put on your plate and most people don’t eat enough of them.  But you can get even more nutritional goodness out of the veggies you eat by eating all their parts. This article looks at how to do that.

Cathe Friedrich doing a Bulgarian Split Squat
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How the Bulgarian Split Squat Can Benefit Your Lower Body Strength and Stability

If you’re looking for a challenging and effective lower-body exercise, look no further than the Bulgarian split squat. This move works your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core. But it has other benefits too. Find out why you should include them in your strength-training routine.

Age-related weight gain
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Are Hormones the Real Culprit Behind Age-Related Weight Gain in Women?

Aging poses challenges and nowhere is this truer than when it comes to our weight. For many women, age-related weight gain is all too real, and hormones are often blamed. But are hormones really the culprit behind weight gain in women after menopause?