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Plyo Legs – Disc #24 – YouTube video clip

To view our newest YouTube clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPa6k92ZBOc Hi Everyone! Just as promised here is a sampler of one of the four total Plyo Leg routines. Expect to leave no stone unturned as you jump, squat, lunge and leap your way into a dynamic level of strength. Rest assured that every ounce and angle…

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Disc #24 – Back & Biceps – Drop Sets

To view YouTube clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcG5KnrxZaM Hang on to your hats because we are going on an intense ride (wait until you see the faces in this workout, ha). This YouTube clip features a segment from our Back and Bicep workout from Mesocycle 2 (hypertrophy phase) and we’re showing you an example of two…


STS Update

Hi Everyone! I wanted to give you all an update on what’s been happening here. Great news…..we have sent Mesocycle One off to the replicators and Mesocycle Two will be following right behind it in a few days. After Meso Two goes off we will have just a few shows left to spot for Mesocycle…

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STS Disc #19 Meso #2 Week #3

To view clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbYuvdKoTps Here is another clip for you to enjoy! This clip is from Mesocycle Two, our Hypertrophy Phase, and we are doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. This is the Mesocycle that ramps it to the next level. While the previous Mesocycle (Muscle Endurance) kept thing moving faster with lighter weight,…

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STS Discs #3, #6, #9, #12 Bonus Legs

To View YouTube clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8unqfMV7ZFw Hi Everyone! Here is a clip that features a sampling of all four of our Bonus Leg segments. Remember that Mesocycle One (the muscle endurance phase) finishes each of the four leg workouts with Bonus Leg Conditioning Exercises. These workouts are optional but specifically cater to those who…


New Free Online Rotation Scheduler and Creator

Our new Free Rotation online software lets you easily create and share workout rotations with other registered users. Just go to the WM at http://www.thecathenation.com/workout/user/workout_manager.php and click on the “Rotations” tab after signing in. With just a few clicks of your mouse you easily download your favorite monthly Cathe rotation or download a rotation created…

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STS Disc #17 Meso #2 Week #2

To View YouTube clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFXiaS8RlQ4 Hi Everyone! What you’re about to watch is a Leg Workout from Mesocycle #2 Week Two. This particular program focuses on Trisets, a high intensity technique which recruits maximum muscle fibers. Are you ready…here we go!!!! After you warm up and stretch you are going to do three…

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Order Your 2009 Limited Edition Cathe Calendar

Can you believe that 2009 is just a few short months away? That means, starting today, you will be able to order our 2009 Cathe “Limited Edition” Calendar. In years past, we ordered a high volume of calendars to be sure we had enough. This year, to avoid waste, we have decided to order only…

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YouTube Disc#3 Video Clip

To View Go To: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tb6O82RClg Hi Everyone! We are excitedly moving ahead at a steady and strong pace. This place is humming with action in every office in anticipation of getting these STS workouts to you very soon. What’s really exciting is that because we are this far along in the process we are able…


STS Update

Hi Everyone! It is time for another STS update and this is one that I know will make you smile from ear to ear. We have finally reached the point in the editing process where we see the light at the end of the tunnel. After spending a couple of weeks speaking intently with each…