November Rotation

Hi Everyone! This November rotation will shock your body with a different program protocol each week. One week lighter, one week moderate to heavy, one week heavy and the final week is a circuit mixture. Week One Mon…..Power Hour Tues….Step Works Wed….. Sts Plyo Legs (week one) plus Coremax segment one Thurs…..Brisk power walking for…

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Holiday Gift Certificates

Running out of time?…or not exactly sure which DVD your friend or spouse wants….then why not purchase a  Gift Certificate for our Shopcathe site. We recommend you select to have the Gift Certificate delivered by online delivery (email) just to make sure it gets to its destination in time. Gift Certificates for our ShopCathe site…

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Cyndi’s Pix – EB Tour Daytona – Friday

Cyndi, aka Retrofit, took thousands of picture during the Daytona trip that we will be sharing with you on our flickr site over the next week or two. Today we begin with pictures taken from the first day of the EB Daytona event on Friday, October 23rd.  Enjoy the pics! To view Photosets – Click…

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HiiT – Double Wave Pyramid

No equipment is needed for the 3rd HiiT workout – Double Wave Pyramid. You’ll do 2 rounds of intervals separated by only a one minute rest in this workout. In each round, you’ll follow a pyramid cycle of 9 intervals in which you’ll start your first wave with a 20 second interval and work your…

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HiiT – 40/20

HiiT 40/20 is based on research by Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their research study, called the Tabata Protocol, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise in 1996 concluded that just four minutes of high intensity Tabata…