Order Your 2010 Cathe Calendar
We have a few extra 2010 Calendars left that are being sold on a first come first serve basis. To Order your calendar – Click Here
We have a few extra 2010 Calendars left that are being sold on a first come first serve basis. To Order your calendar – Click Here
We have just received our shipment of our new Fitness by Cathe Strength and Fitness Multi-Purpose gloves. If you purchased a 2010 calendar you may continue to use your discount code for these two new items until December 31st (Midnight EST)
The MMA Boxing video clip is now up. MMA Boxing is a 49 minute cardio boxing program with a touch of MMA thrown in to give your workout a new twist. While any fighter would definitely be challenged from this intense and thorough program, this workout focuses on getting the fitness enthusiast in the best…
We have just posted a video clip of the Bonus Heavy Bag Workout from MMA Boxing program. The Bonus Heavy Bag workout (20 mins) is featured in this program for those of you who have this piece of equipment. Boxing is by far one of the most intense total body conditioning workouts out there. It is…
We have now posted the video clip from our second step workout DVD. Step Moves is a 44 minute advanced, all-step workout, loaded with interesting choreography. It’s the perfect steady state workout for those who like a little rhythm with their step. You’ll enjoy mambo’s, cha cha’s, pivots, and lots of rhythmic patterns, all scrambled…
I would like to wish all of our Cathletes a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season! Let’s get ready to “SHOCK IT” in 2010. Ho Ho Hugs, Cathe
Your 20% off coupon that you received when you purchased your 2010 Calendar will expire after December 25th. The coupon is good for anything we sell in our ShopCathe online store. We do have a shipment arriving Monday for our new Fitness Gloves and we will let you use your coupon code for these new…
Just a reminder that our $599 special that includes all of the 153 workout files we currently carry in our www.cathedownloads.com digital delivery store will end on December 25th (midnight).
We have now posted a video clip from our second circuit workout in the Shock Cardio series. Core Circuit, 51 minutes, is broken into five fitness rounds and is very cardio intensive. In each round you will do three short cardio drills back to back and then repeat them (so it’s six cardio bursts per…
The first of our two step video clips is now up. Athletic Step is an advanced, all step workout that will keep you jumping and pumping with both new and energizing choreography. While there is no dancy footwork here, you will surely be challenged by scrambling new moves with some familiar moves and making them feel…
Now that this year’s holiday season is in full swing you’re probably being reminded, more than ever, how difficult it is to stick to your exercise program. In fact, the average person gains about 5 lbs during this time of year. Knowing this, you may be more tempted to stick with shorter and more time…
Today, we want to share with you our first circuit workout video clip from the Shock Cardio series. Circuit Blast is a 44 minute fun and fast paced circuit challenge. This workout consists of a series of six rounds that will surely burn fat and calories, while shocking your muscles. Each round consists of four…