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Looking 10-25 Years Younger – by Karen Kay

People usually guess my age at anywhere from 10 to 25 years younger than what I really am. While I’ll never admit to how old I really am — even if you guessed correctly, I would most definitely lie — I will say that I’m over 55 and exercise to Cathe daily. I think her…

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Cathe’s March 2010 Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month we will shock our systems with a combination of total body weight workouts, split weight workouts, and body part per day weight workouts, and circuit workouts. We will also include various cardio activities and of course, encourage clean eating. Remember the harder you train and the cleaner you eat, the better…

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Time is Running Out to Register for San Diego

Join us, March 26th – 28th, 2010, at the luxurious Loews Coronado Hotel in San Diego, CA for time of your life as you jump, pump, rock and sweat with your fellow Cathletes for an amazing weekend of fun, food, fitness and Cathe. Hurry! -Time is running out to register . Learn More


Finally, a weight program that WORKS! – by Jolene

Prior to STS, I had been doing weight workouts at my local gym a few times a week, with limited success. I was frustrated as I had been working out – a combo of 3-4 weight workouts (45 mins – 1 hr) plus 3-4 cardio workouts a week (Cathe DVDs, mainly) – yet only feeling…

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Beating Cancer with Exercise and Nutrition – by Carol Knizek

In 2004, after the birth of my son Chase, I was diagnosed with a stage 3 breast cancer on my right side. I received 4 rounds of aggressive chemo therapy that left me weak and sick. In addition to that, I received a mastectomy and 5 surgical procedures. After my last round of chemo, I…

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Getting Fit after baby #2 – by Kasey

2 years ago I had a wonderful and beautiful baby (baby #2). I also had some extra weight that just had to go! At 162 lbs I was about 24 lbs heavier than I was before I had gotten pregnant. I was 38 lbs heavier than I was when I graduated high school. None of…

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Leaving a Legacy of Fitness – by Michelle Daugherty

My success story involves not just myself, but three lovely ladies that have entered my life. Battling with secondary infertility for seven years, I found myself having my third child at age 35. With each of my pregnancies, I gained 50-60 lbs. By daughter #3, this weight was extremely hard to lose, and the thought…


Cathe’s February 2010 Rotation

Hi Everyone! Here is a tough, time efficient, four week rotation that makes good use of 50 minutes or less per workout (except for one day per week where you shock your body and do a double shot session…insert evil witch laugh, heeee heee hee heeeee). This rotation alternates weights and cardio. Don’t forget to eat…