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Which is better for Weight Loss – HiiT, Tabata or Steady State Cardio?

Hi Everyone! My last two articles, “Weightlifting Myths“and “Compound vs. Isolation Exercises” have focused on strength training. This week I would like to change direction and take on a topic that is getting a lot of talk in our forums and in the news – “Which is better for Weight Loss – HiiT, Tabata or…


DVD and Download – Working Out on Vacation

In this week’s humorous episode of “DVD and Download” the the theme is about how easy it is to take Cathe download workouts with you on vacation .  Each week we will feature a different commercial  with “DVD and Download” so make sure to keep checking back. Click on the links below to view our previous…

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Now You Can Print Your WM Calendar

We’ve now added a feature that will allow you to print your monthly Calendar in the Workout Manager. Just look for the print calendar button at the bottom of the WM Calendar. To make this work properly you need to have “background Images” enabled in your browser. Otherwise your icons will no print. Here is…

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2010 Glassboro Road Trip Video

We hope this video brings back pleasant memories for those who attended the 2010 Glassboro Road Trip and let’s those who could not attend see and share in all of the fun and emotion of one our live tour events. It has now been a little over two weeks since the 2010 EB Tour Glassboro…

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New Changes to Our 1RM Calculator

In a few weeks we will launch the Workout Manager 3.0, but in the meantime we’re releasing some smaller updates. In the update we released today we have made some changes and improvements to the Workout Manager’s 1RM calculator based on on your feedback.  The changes we have made include: 1. You can now print…

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Growing up; on my terms – by “An exerciser for life”

At 11 years old, I was due to start secondary school. I was one of just two from my primary school who would be starting there. I was scared. I was nervous. I was overweight. Should it have mattered? No. Did it? Yes, it really did. To top things off, I had been on crutches…

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Compound Vs Isolation Exercises – Which is better?

Hi Everyone! I hope you enjoyed my last article on “Weightlifting Myths“. This week I would like to focus my attention on the advantages and disadvantages of Compound (multi-joint) and isolation (single-joint) exercises and which is better for you. I know there has been some heated debate about this topic on our forums and on…


DVD and Download – International Shipping

In this week’s humorous episode of “DVD and Download” the the theme is about International shipping and how with downloads there is no waiting, no shipping charges and no import taxes and fees.  Each week we will feature a different commercial  with “DVD and Download” so make sure to keep checking back. Click on the links below to…