Flexing Their Biceps
Flexing Their Biceps
Flexing Their Biceps
Working Abs on Saturday
This week’s featured download is Cathe’s HiiT Double Wave Pyramid- $7.97 (Length: 30 Minutes File Size: 437 MB), but hurry this special is for a limited time only and will end on Sunday, October 24th. Use coupon code DD30 when prompted and save 30% off the regular price….Purchase Details
Our 2011 Cathe Calendar is packed full of pictures from our newest workouts and Road Trips and is a must have collectable for all Cathe fans! The wall calendar measures 12 inches by 24 inches when opened and has been designed to help you chart and reach your fitness goals. You will love the large…
Super healthy, low carb spaghetti squash with a spiced up garden sauce and bacon! Yum!
I am 46. I was in reasonably good shape and fairly active but my weekend activities were eclipsed by three or four days of recovery. While I’ve never been overweight I was starting to gain a few pounds as my boredom with my workout regimen grew. I was running a few days a week but…
Saturday class was held from 3pm -4pm and was the third class of the day.
Robin Hood? – Nope Just Cathe during Saturday’s class.
Aerial Shot of Total Body Sculpt Class
Saturday’s Total Body Sculpt Class
Jennifer from Susan G. Komen for the Cure® spoke during lunch reminding everyone that October is national Breast cancer awareness month. Jennifer is a nine year survivor and told us about her success story in surviving breast cancer during Saturday’s lunch break. Our Road Trip sponsor, Eggland’s Best, has donated $50,000 to the the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® organization. EB, our…
Cathletes enjoying good food during Saturday’s lunch.