Food Pairings
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The Effects of Food Pairings on Nutrient Absorption: How to Get the Most Out of Your Meals

Learn about the fascinating science behind food pairings and how they can affect nutrient absorption. Discover which combinations of foods can maximize the benefits of your meals, while still making them delicious.

Not seeing results
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4 Proven Strategies to Keep Progressing in Your Fitness Journey When You’re Not Seeing Results

Discover four effective tactics to stay motivated and continue making progress towards your fitness goals, even when you’re not seeing the results you want. Learn how to overcome plateaus, adjust your training and nutrition, and stay committed to your journey towards better health and fitness.

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Is Stevia a Safe Sugar Substitute for Those with Diabetes?

Discover the truth about Stevia as a sugar substitute for those with diabetes. This page investigates the safety and efficacy of Stevia and provides insights into how it affects blood sugar levels. Learn whether this natural sugar alternative is a good choice if you have diabetes and prediabetes.

Vitamin D
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Vitamin D Demystified: Understanding the 5 Key Factors that Affect Your Levels

Discover  5 essential factors that have a significant impact on your Vitamin D levels with our comprehensive guide. From sun exposure to dietary intake, let’s look at the science behind maintaining optimal Vitamin D levels for health and well-being.

Cathe's April 2023 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s April 2023 Workout Rotation

Hi Everyone!  This April 2023 Workout Rotation is full of fit and no fools, lol.  Each week we’ll revisit some older workouts as we dive into split workouts, total body muscle endurance workouts, and a couple of solid cardio workouts!  I bet you’re waiting for me to say April Fools, but instead, I’m saying April Fit!!!  Let’s get busy!  

Excessive Strength Training
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The Optimal Load: Why Excessive Strength Training Can Be Counterproductive

Discover the potential downsides of excessive strength training. Learn why a balanced approach to strength training is crucial for avoiding injury and maximizing results. More isn’t always better when it comes to building muscle strength.

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Powering Up Your Cells: The Surprising Benefits of Boosting Your Mitochondria Through Exercise

One of the “hidden” benefits of exercise is that it boosts mitochondria, the energy-producing component of cells. Find out what benefits this has, how exercise offers these benefits, and how to maximize them.

Women's Longer Lifespans
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The Female Advantage: Unraveling the Science Behind Women’s Longer Lifespans

Discover the fascinating scientific reasons behind women’s longer lifespans relative to men. Get the inside scoop on the biology and psychology behind the female advantage and learn how you can adopt these habits to live a longer, healthier life.