
Cycle Max Audition and Cycle Max Audition and Indoor Cycle Class

A picture of the  indoor cycle during the 2011 Glassboro Road Trip. Over 30 people tried out to be in our Cycle Max video and just about everyone participated in one of our two indoor cycle classes that was taught by one of our clubs indoor cycle instructors.


Thank You 2011 Glassboro Roadtrippers

A big warm fuzzy thank you to all of the 2011 Glassboro Road Trippers. Did we have a blast or what?!?!?! From meeting, greeting, jumping, pumping, dancing, laughing, munching, crunching, ….you name it, we did it and did it in total Cathlete style!!!! I enjoyed our special time this weekend very much. I loved the…

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Cathe August 2011 Rotation

Summer is not over yet. If you’re not swimming, biking or hiking, keep these workouts on your to do list and show off your healthy muscles. Remember to drink lots of water for muscle hydration, clear skin and better body function. WEEK ONE: Mon: Butts and Guts Tues: Intensity Wed: Low Impact Circuit Thurs: 40/20…


Cathe During the 2011 Glassboro Road Trip Meet N Greet

A picture of Cathe during the 2011 Glassboro Road Trip Meet N Greet. Cathe is kept busy teaching seven classes during the road trip weekend, but always tries to spend as much time as possible meeting and having her picture taken with every Cathlete who attends the road trip.