Cathe's December 2023 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2023 Workout Rotation

It’s December Catheletes, a month that is often jam-packed with holiday to-do lists, and gatherings with family and friends. Sometimes the hustle and bustle can make us feel a bit frazzled and can make finding time for our workouts a bit more challenging. This month( December 2023 Workout Rotation) we’ll hit a bit of everything…

Deep Squats
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Do Deep Squats Increase the Risk of Injury?

Explore the depths of the squat debate as we dissect the science behind squatting depth, challenging myths, and offering evidence-backed insights into the safety and benefits of deep squats. Explore hip health, biomechanics, and practical guidelines for joint-friendly squatting, and break free from half-squat fears to unlock athletic potential with the ‘glutes-to-grass’ squat.

Cathe Friedrich Resistance Training
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Decoding the J-Shaped Curve: Finding the Right Balance in Resistance Training

What is the ideal amount of strength training. Discover what the sweet spot is for health perks and how to balance strength workouts with cardio and flexibility. From meta-analysis surprises to the key takeaway of moderation, this article simplifies the complexities of resistance training for a balanced and effective fitness routine.