Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s March 2024 Workout Rotation

This month ( March 2024 Workout Rotation) we’ll slow things down a bit and focus on some heavy lifting. Three days each week you’ll perform heavy weighted body part routines, and two times per week you’ll do shorter hiit cardio routines. You’ll also notice that you have two off/recovery days each week. Taking the extra time to recover will help to restore the strength and energy that you need to give your all to your workouts. You can use these days to rest completely or to enjoy one of my recovery routines. Feel free to do all low impact cardio routines in place of the high impact if desired. Try to fuel your body with solid nutrition so that it can perform at its best and as always, have some fun!

Kidneys and kidney disease
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Get Moving to Save Your Kidneys: Exercise Protects Diabetics from Chronic Kidney Disease

New research reveals exercise can protect diabetics from developing chronic kidney disease. The 2024 study objectively measured activity levels and found getting over three hundred minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise per week lowered risk of kidney problems by 31% in diabetics. Ramping up activity in the first year also reduced risk, highlighting it’s never too late to benefit from moving more. Another reason to get moving!

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Can Getting Too Much of a B-Vitamin Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease?

Could getting too much of a common B vitamin place you at higher risk of cardiovascular disease? New research suggests that getting too much of the B vitamin niacin from fortified foods or supplements may increase cardiovascular disease risk by triggering inflammation in blood vessels. Find out more.

Exercise at the cellular level
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6 Amazing Ways Exercise Works at the Cellular Level

This article explores the molecular and cellular mechanisms through which exercise induces adaptations like mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis, and inflammation modulation, which drive performance benefits and protect against disease. Delving into signaling pathways, gene expression changes, and organelle functions, it provides insights into how physical activity acts at a foundational biomolecular level to confer systemic effects that enhance health and slow aging.

Plantar Fasciitis
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Powerful Tips for Exercising with Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that causes pain in the heel and arch of the foot. Exercise can help relieve symptoms, but it’s important to choose the right types of activities and use proper form when you exercise with plantar fasciitis. Find out what you can do to exercise effectively and safely with plantar fasciitis