Cheat Meal
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How Metabolically Unhealthy Is It to Eat an Indulgent Cheat Meal?

If you’re like most people, you eat an occasional cheat meal. Once you’ve enjoyed a meal of pizza or other food, you wouldn’t eat routinely, you get back on track. But have you ever wondered what impact a cheat meal has on your metabolic health? Find out.

Learn how Cathe Friedrich's Yoga Flow can help improve your strength training program
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5 Ways Yoga Can Improve How You Strength Train

One reason people do yoga is to stretch their muscles, improve flexibility, and relax. However, yoga can actually improve your performance when you strength train. Here are five ways the practice of yoga can enhance your gains when you lift weights or work your body against resistance.

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
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What Works and Doesn’t Work for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

If you work out, you’re familiar with the soreness you get after a workout your muscles are unaccustomed to. That soreness, called DOMS, can last for up to a week. Is there anything you can do about the pain and stiffness? In this article, you’ll learn what science shows works and doesn’t work for after-workout muscle soreness.

Weight gain after 40
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5 Science-Backed Reasons Why Weight Gain Is A Problem As You Age

One of the most common complaints people have about aging is the weight gain that goes along with it. Why is weight gain so common during mid-life and later? Here are five reasons why it’s harder to control your weight and avoid a rise in body fat after 40 and what you can do about it.