Quadriceps and leg extensions
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What is the Best Strength-Training Exercise for Your Quadriceps?

 Are you trying to get more quadriceps strength and definition? You might wonder what exercises are best for building quad strength and definition. Are squats better than leg extensions? Find out the pros and cons of each for building more defined thighs.

Mushrooms & Brain Health
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Can Mushrooms Prevent Cognitive Decline and Improve Brain Health?

Are you a mushroom fan? No wonder! They’re versatile and provide your body with key nutrients. Plus, they’re versatile enough to enjoy a variety of ways, sauteed or in soups, stews, or salads. There’s also growing evidence that mushrooms have health benefits. Some research even suggests that adding more mushrooms to your diet could protect against cognitive decline and improve brain health.

Cathe's December 2020 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2020 Workout Rotation

This month we’ll focus on building strength and burning fat with split workouts.  All of your weight workouts will be done as split workouts instead of doing total body weight routines.   You’ll also have a variety of cardio to shake things up and keep your metabolism rev’d up!  This holiday season let’s really focus on keeping ourselves healthy and strong!

Short bursts of exercise
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Short Bursts of Exercise Have an Immediate Effect on Your Metabolic Health

Who doesn’t like immediate benefits? You might think you have to workout out for weeks to see some return for your efforts. However, new research shows you get some health benefits right away when you do even a short burst of exercise. Here’s why.