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Understanding Plyometrics: 3 Phases of a Plyometric Movement

Do you include plyometrics in your fitness training routine? These exercises can help you generate more explosive power and improve your exercise performance. In this article, you’ll learn the three phases of a plyometric exercise and why they’re so effective.

Strength Training Mistakes
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Which of These Strength Training Mistakes That Slow Gains Are You Making?

If you’re strength training, you want to build the most strength in the shortest amount of time possible. However, there are some habits that can slow your gains. Here are five strength-training mistakes to avoid if you’re trying to get the most out of your workouts.

Eating More Calories
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Could Eating More Calories in the Morning Help You Lose Weight?

Could eating more calories for breakfast help you lose weight? You might wonder what role meal timing plays in weight loss and weight control. In this article, you’ll discover whether front-loading your calories by eating a bigger breakfast can help you shed those extra pounds.

5 Types of Vegetarian and Vegan Protein Powders
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5 Types of Vegetarian and Vegan Protein Powders

If you exercise and eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, you may benefit from adding extra protein to your diet. Although many plant-based foods are a decent protein source, you have to eat a lot of them to get enough protein if you work out intensely. That’s why some people turn to protein powders and…

Childhood diet and your gut microbiome
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The Diet You Ate as a Child May Have Long-Lasting Effects on Your Gut Microbiome

What you eat affects gut health and your gut microbiome. In fact, new research shows what you ate as a child can still affect your microbiome later in life. Find out more and discover how to improve your own gut health.

Jump Rope
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How to Choose a Jump Rope That Fits Your Body and Goals

Jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that has other health and fitness benefits. To get the most benefits, you need a rope that conforms to your level of training, goals, and your body. In this article, you’ll discover how to choose a jump rope that meets your needs.