Eating habits that cause weight gain
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Which of These Eating Habits that Cause Weight Gain Do You Engage In?

It’s not just what you eat that affects your body weight, it’s how, when, and where you eat it. In this article, you’ll discover five terrible eating habits that cause weight gain and why you should avoid them if you’re trying to lose weight.

Cut Back On Meat
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5 Simple Ways to Cut Back on Meat Without Sacrificing Flavor

Are you trying to reduce the amount of meat in your diet and enjoy more plant-based options? It’s not as hard as it sounds and doing so has substantial health benefits. Read on and discover five ways to cut back on meat without feeling deprived and without sacrificing flavor.

Cathe Friedrich's Rock Bottoms 2 April 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s Rock Bottoms 2 April 2021 Workout Rotation

This month we will be doing an updated version of my Rock Bottoms rotation!  I’ve received multiple requests to update the workouts in this rotation and although the bonus butt workout (BBW) remains the same as the last Rock Bottoms rotation (why fix something that isn’t broken… wink!), the workouts have been updated for each week. This rotation is more aggressive than many of my others so please add an extra off day if needed or substitute a gentler workout wherever you need to. Remember, this is YOUR workout schedule and it must always work for you!  Have fun, get plenty of water, plenty of rest, and give me what you can! You’ve got this!

Multi-Joint Strength Exercises
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5 Best Multi-Joint Strength Training Exercises for Building Strength and Muscle

When you have limited time to work out and build strength, compound exercises will help you maximize the efficiency of your workouts and get more benefits too. When you’re ready to train, here are five of the best compound exercises to include in your strength-training routine.

Strength Training
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5 Factors That Determine How Much Your Muscles Will Grow in Response to Strength Training

It’s no secret that some people build muscle faster and gain more than others, but have you ever wondered why? Read on and discover five reasons, backed by science, that determine how much muscle you gain from strength training.