Cathe, Lorraine and Robert doing a Reach and Extended Plank during STS Ab Circuits.
Cathe and Lorraine doing a Partner Ball Toss during Ab Circuits. The Bonus Medicine Ball with a Partner segment is an intense, but also fun way to work your abs. This is also a great way to get your spouse or a friend involved in working out.
Pictured above in the Ab Circuits group shot are: Robert, Denise, Cathe, Lorraine, Deazie and Greg. Ab Circuits contains the following six ab routines: 1. Yoga Inspired Abs 2. Pilate Inspired Abs 3. Weights and Plates Abs 4. Stability Ball Abs 5. No Equipment Abs 6. Medicine Ball Abs + Bonus Medicine Ball with a
Deazie shares her excitement with Cedie and Brenda after finishing STS Meso #3. We will be back later today with pictures from the filming of Ab Circuits and Cathe’s six new ab routines.
Greg doing One arm Rows during STS Meso #3 using the 5% method. Don’t worry if you can’t lift what Greg can. You will always use your own 1RM when selecting a weight for any exercise.
Robert and Deazie doing Incline Chest Flys during STS Meso #3 using the 5% method. The STS program can be done and enjoyed by both women and men.
Greg doing Chest Flys during STS Meso #3 using the 5% method.
Robert doing a Barbell Row during STS Meso #3 using the 5% method. The purpose of this Mesocycle is to build strength and you will be lifting weights in the 80% to 90% of your One Rep Max range. You will be doing between 6 and 8 reps for every exercise and pushing yourself like