Tag: satiety

How to Enjoy a Natural Diet With Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber is important to one’s health. But what is “dietary fiber?” It is the indigestible portion of various plant foods found in fruits, stems, leaves, roots, seeds and nuts. Fiber is found in legumes (peas and beans, for example); in certain grains (such as bulgar wheat, whole wheat); and, in various fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, brussel sprouts, spinach and others).

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Can Eggland’s Best Eggs Actually Improve Your Lipid Level?

In the past, eggs have been maligned for their role in raising cholesterol. Now a recent study suggests that not only do eggs not raise total cholesterol, they may actually improve your lipid profile. Find out more about the impact eggs have on lipids and discover other surprising health benefits of Eggland’s Best eggs.

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How the Way You Chew Impacts Your Weight

How the Way You Chew Impacts Your Weight

How do you chew your food? It matters when it comes to controlling your weight. Find out what research shows about your chewing style and how it affects how much you eat and how quickly you get full. Find out more about the science of chewing and satiety.

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Can a food's aroma affect how much you eat?

Can a Food’s Aroma Affect How Much You Eat?

Sensory cues are important for controlling appetite and satiety. People generally eat less when a food is thicker or creamer. A food’s aroma also appears to have an impact. Research shows that when foods have a stronger odor, we take smaller bite sizes, and ultimately eat less. Find out how you can use this and other sensory cues to control how much you eat.

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5 Nutritional Habits That Boost Fat Loss

5 Nutritional Habits That Boost Fat Loss

If you’re working out regularly and aren’t losing weight and fat, it’s time to scrutinize your diet. Many people assume that because they’re exercising they can be lax with their diet. On the other hand, drastically reducing calories isn’t the answer. Here are five diet and nutrition guidelines that’ll help you get more results from your fitness program.

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Does how much you think you've eaten affects satiety ?

Does How Much You Think You’ve Eaten Affect Satiety?

A new study shows your brain and higher brain function, especially a part of the brain called the hippocampus, play an important role in controlling satiety and appetite. As it turns out, it may be important how much you think you ate rather than how you ate when it comes to getting full. Find out more about this study and some tips for controlling the amount you eat at a meal.

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Sleep and Appetite: Men and Women Respond Differently to Too Little Sleep

Sleep and Appetite: Men and Women Respond Differently to Too Little Sleep

Short periods of sleep have been linked with weight gain and an increase in appetite. Now, a new study shows that skimping on sleep may impact women different than men. Find out how the two sexes differ in their response to too little sleep and how this impacts appetite and food consumption. You’ll also discover tips for getting better quality sleep.

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