Tag: Plant-Based Foods

Plant-based foods high in calcium

5 Ways to Increase the Calcium You Absorb from Plant-Based Foods

Maintaining strong bones and teeth is one of calcium’s many functions. Dairy products are top sources of calcium, but if you don’t consume dairy, plant-based calcium sources are another option. One drawback is you don’t absorb as much calcium from plant-based foods. Here are five ways, backed by science, to boost the amount of calcium your body absorbs from plant-based foods. 

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Plat-Based Foods With Iron

5 Plant-Based Foods That Are Surprisingly High in Iron

Are you getting enough iron in your diet? It’s harder if you’re trying to get your iron from plant-based sources but it is possible. In this article, you’ll discover five surprising sources of iron that will go far toward ensuring your body isn’t iron deficient. Plus, these foods have health benefits that extend beyond their iron content. So, enjoy!

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Can Compounds Found Naturally in Plants Boost Brain Function?

Can Compounds Found Naturally in Plants Boost Brain Function?

One of the things you have to worry about as you age is keeping your brain healthy. Your brain ages along with the rest of you and when it does, your memory and ability to learn are affected. The good news? Diet matters. Now, a study shows certain compounds in plants may help you ward off memory problems as you age.

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