Tag: muscle imbalances

7 Benefits of Unilateral Training

7 Benefits of Unilateral Training

Are there advantages to training one side of your body at a time? People who won’t do unilateral training are missing out on a great way to diversify their workout and get greater benefits. Here are seven reasons to add some unilateral exercises to your exercise routine.

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4 amazing benefits of cross-training

4 Amazing Benefits of Cross-Training

Are you looking for a way to add balance and variety to your workouts? Then it’s time to add some cross training. This article discusses four benefits of cross-training you can’t afford to miss out on. Find out how cross-training can help you reach your fitness goals.

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Another XTrain Bonus – Rear Delts

Even people that workout a lot, like body builders, and regularly perform exercises for the rear delts will tell you that the posterior delt is a very difficult muscle to work. You have to pay attention to strict form when working your rear delts so that other larger muscles don’t take over and power the

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XTRAIN 100 Rep Challenges

Getting stronger and getting toned muscles is not just about developing strong muscles by lifting heavier weights, but also increasing neural pathways from your brain to your muscles. In fact, until you thoroughly develop neural pathways to a muscle it is very difficult to increase the size of that muscle or to even get the maximum benefit of your training effort. You’re only as strong as your weakest link and most people focus on what they do best, not what they need to work the most. This is where XTRAIN 100 Rep Challenges can help and why we have included them in this series.

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Do you have Correcting Shoulder Muscle Imbalances?

Correcting Shoulder Muscle Imbalances

We usually favor working muscles we can see and that means we quite often overdevelop muscles on our front side. Our shoulders are a classic example of this. Your shoulder joint is probably the most versatile and heavily used joint in your body. No wonder that 30% of all strength training injuries happen to this joint.

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