Tag: May

Cathe's May 2019 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s May 2019 Workout Rotation

This May 2019 workout rotation focuses on getting our bodies ready to wear tank tops, swimsuits, and shorts.  Plan to keep your heart rate high while developing strength and endurance over the course of each week.   Be sure to eat well, stay hydrated and get a good sound sleep for maximum benefits.

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Cathe's May 2016 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s May 2016 Workout Rotation

Hi Everyone! This month is all about fat loss, cross training and muscle shaping. Lots of hiit training mixed with muscle strength and endurance workouts from our popular (series) favorites! Eat well, sleep well, drink water and enjoy the fat melting benefits!

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Cathe's May 2014 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s May 2014 Workout Rotation

This May 2014 rotation is all about shaking it up with shock training. Doing multiple types of workouts with various frequency, length duration & intensity. The goal is to keep your body from adapting to the “fitness chaos” its experiencing this month. Expect your metabolism to catapult, your fitness level to be taken to a new height and both your aerobic endurance and your lactate threshold to be improved. To get best results, eat clean, sleep soundly and drink a lot of water water. Commit to burn calories, burn excess body fat and chisel some lean muscle!!!!!

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