Tag: leptin and ghrelin

How Too Little Sleep Affects Appetite Hormones?

How Too Little Sleep Affects Appetite Hormones?

People who burn the midnight oil may have more trouble controlling their weight. The reason? It could come down to changes in the levels of two key hormones that control appetite. Find out how lack of sleep affects appetite hormones and your ability to lose weight.

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How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

What is it that motivates you to eat – or to overeat? Your appetite is regulated by a complex group of peptides including appetite hormones like leptin, produced by fat cells. Leptin turns off your appetite and reduces the desire to eat. Ghrelin, a hormone produced by the lining of your stomach has the opposite effect – it strongly stimulates the desire to eat. Think mad rush to the refrigerator! These hormones exert their effects on a portion of your brain called the hypothalamus.

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What Is Hunger and How Can You Control It?

What Is Hunger and How Can You Control It?

Feel like you’re always hungry? Hunger is a powerful motivating force that can make life difficult when you’re trying to lose weight. This article discusses the what causes hunger and gives tips for how to control it.

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Sleep and Appetite: Men and Women Respond Differently to Too Little Sleep

Sleep and Appetite: Men and Women Respond Differently to Too Little Sleep

Short periods of sleep have been linked with weight gain and an increase in appetite. Now, a new study shows that skimping on sleep may impact women different than men. Find out how the two sexes differ in their response to too little sleep and how this impacts appetite and food consumption. You’ll also discover tips for getting better quality sleep.

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stress and weight gain

3 Surprising Ways Stress Causes Weight Gain

Although intuitively you might think stress would cause weight loss, often the opposite is true. Stress can cause weight gain and redistribution with more fat settling around your tummy and waistline. Have you ever wondered why stress causes weight gain? Here are three reasons why and steps you can take to prevent stress-related weight gain.

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