Tag: hypertension

Diet and Heart Health: Minerals You Need for a Healthy Heart

Diet and Heart Health: Minerals You Need for a Healthy Heart

Eating a healthy diet is important for heart health but it’s more than just the types of fats you eat. Micronutrients count when it comes to the health of your heart, especially the mineral composition of your diet. Find out which minerals are most important for the health of your heart and how to get more of them naturally through diet.

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Why is it so hard yo kick your salt habit

Why It’s So Hard to Cut Back on Salt

Salt – it seems to be in everything you eat these days. That’s not a good thing when it comes to the health of your blood vessels. But why is it so hard to reduce the amount of salt in your diet? This article discusses why we crave salt and the best way to break the salt habit.

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February Is Heart Health Month: Do You Know Your Numbers?

February Is Heart Health Month: Do You Know Your Numbers?

The month of February is dedicated to raising heart disease awareness. The number one killer of Americans each year is heart disease. Death by heart attack his highly preventable but most people do not know that they are at risk. One very small and simple step that every person can take is to know their numbers.

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Can Exercise Prevent High Blood Pressure?

Can Exercise Prevent High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is so common that most people can expect to get it if they live long enough. We know that lifestyle plays a role in maintaining a healthy blood pressure – including exercise. But what if you’re predisposed to hypertension, can exercise prevent it?

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