Tag: heart health

Pistachios: the Perfect Snack

Commonly eaten as far back as 6700 B.C., pistachios first grew in the ancient regions of Persia where their cultivation spread to other regions of the Middle East like Syria and Lebanon. Frankly, if they were good enough for elite peoples who ordered the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the building of the celebrated city of Damascus, they’re certainly ok to have on hand at the office or when traveling by car or plane. In fact, health experts rank pistachios highly as nutritious snacks that offer many benefits for optimum health and fitness.

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Five quick tests to see how fast you're aging.

5 Quick Tests to See How Fast You’re Aging

Are you aging slowly or faster than you should? There isn’t a single test that will tell you what your chronological age is, but if you want a better idea, try these simple tests you can do at home to see where you stand. They’ll give you a rough idea of whether you’re doing the right thing from a lifestyle standpoint to slow down the aging process – and alert you to things you need to change.

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Ten Fascinating Health Benefits of Oranges

Ten Fascinating Health Benefits of Oranges

The orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world, and most people love the refreshing taste of its sweet juice. In addition to being an excellent source of vitamin C, it turns out that oranges also contain many other important nutrients that are capable of improving your health. Read on to discover ten fascinating reasons why you should be regularly snacking on oranges.

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Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Pears

Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Pears

The pear is a sweet and juicy fruit with a thin skin. Most people enjoy eating raw pears, but they also taste particularly good when added to salads or to recipes involving blue cheese. As it turns out, these fruits are also packed with nutrients that make them particularly good for your health. Read on to discover eleven interesting and significant reasons why you should include more pears in your diet.

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Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Grapes

Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes are a traditional gift for the sick, especially when it comes to hospital visits. As it happens, there are some very good reasons to believe that grapes can be beneficial to a person’s body. They are linked to heart health in a number of fascinating ways, and also have a connection with how we age. Consider the following motivations to start snacking on grapes or drinking grape juice.

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Health benefits of exercise for your heart

6 Ways Exercise Benefits Your Heart

Doing an aerobic workout at least 3 times a week is one of the best ways to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Exercise exerts its magic on your cardiovascular system in a number of ways, some of which you may not be aware of. Here are six reasons why exercise is heart

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