Tag: food

Are Calorie Counts on Food Labels Accurate?

Are Calorie Counts on Food Labels Accurate?

Do you glance at the calorie counts when buying a packaged food? Have you ever wondered whether the number you’re seeing is really accurate? Find out why you shouldn’t place too much stock in calorie food labels and how to be a smarter shopper.

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5 Common Sources of Hidden Calories

5 Common Sources of Hidden Calories

Ever wonder if you’re eating more calories than you think you are? Hidden calories hide in lots of foods and beverages and make it hard to control your weight. Discover five common sources of hidden calories and how to keep them off of your plate.

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Do Gut Bacteria Cause You to Crave Certain Foods?

Do Gut Bacteria Cause You to Crave Certain Foods?

Craving unhealthy foods? Bacteria in your gut may be to blame. A new study shows the type of bacteria that make their home in your gut may have an effect on your food choices and the types of foods you crave. Find out what role gut bacteria play in controlling your weight – and the type of foods you crave.

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Smell and Appetite: Do Overweight People Smell Food Differently?

Smell and Appetite: Do Overweight People Smell Food Differently?

You might think how a food tastes drive you to eat, but research shows smell plays an important role too. Do people who are overweight perceive smells differently than thin people? This article discusses the role smell plays in the drive to eat. It also focuses on research suggesting some people may be more “aroma sensitive” and overeat as a result.

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The Eight Healthiest Holiday Food Favorites

The Eight Healthiest Holiday Food Favorites

By eating more of these holiday food favoritess, and less of the many high-calorie, low-nutrition options so often served at this time of year, you might be surprised just how much of a head start you can give yourself on your next New Year’s resolution to get in shape.

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Awesome Asparagus by Jenn K

Awesome Asparagus

Asparagus, mushrooms, and sweet peppers seasoned with chili pepper and cooked to crisp-tender make for an antioxidant-rich and delicious side dish with a “kick” for your holiday meal!

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New Regulations for Gluten Free Foods

New Regulations for Gluten Free Foods

One of the most frustrating things about food labeling in the United States is that words like “free” don’t mean to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) what they mean to the average person. Consider, for instance, the term “fat free.” In common parlance, that would mean the food is 100% devoid of fat. To the FDA, however, a product need only contain less than 0.5 mg of fat per serving to be considered fat free. As annoying as this practice is for those on a diet, ambiguous labeling can be downright dangerous for people with food allergies or sensitivities.

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Can external cues help you stop eating when you're no longer hungry?

Why We Continue to Eat Even When We’re No Longer Hungry

Some people overeat without really being aware of it. Instead of stopping when they’re full, they keep eating past the point of satiety. Why is this so? According to one study, it has to do with the type of “cues” we use to decide when to stop eating. Find out more and discover simple ways to use these external cues to your advantage.

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