Tag: food choices

How to Improve Digestion by Eating for Your Blood Type

The four blood types O, A, B, and AB developed at different points in human history and tend to be concentrated differently around the world. As a result, your blood type may contain helpful clues as to which foods to avoid and which to include in your diet. Eating with your blood type can ultimately lead to improved digestion, energy, and even weight loss.

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Variations on Vegetarianism

By definition, a vegetarian is one who abstains from meat, fowl, and fish. But did you know that there are almost as many variations on vegetarianism as there are people who engage the lifestyle. On one end of the spectrum, there are flexitarians who might eat fish or chicken occasionally. At the other extreme, there are vegans who not only abstain from eating meat, but may also refuse to eat food produced from harming plants.

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32 lb loss by Darlene

I have struggled with being overweight most of my adult life. have made several attempts at weight loss programs where I’d lose 10 or 20 pounds only to have it come right back again. Seven months ago I reached 167 pounds. I felt out of shape and it was hard just tying my sneaker laces.

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