Tag: epoc

Maximizing Afterburn: What Role Does Diet Play?

Maximizing Afterburn: What Role Does Diet Play?

One of the benefits of high-intensity interval training is the afte-burn effect. Afterburn, also known as EPOC, is the excess energy and calories your body has to expend to recover from an intense workout. The afterburn can keep your metabolism “revved up” for hours after you’ve finished exercising. What effect does diet or fasting prior to a high-intensity workout have on afterburn?

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Does Fasted Cardio Burn More Fat?

Does Fasted Cardio Burn More Fat?

You may have heard that you’ll burn more fat if you do cardio in a fasted state, first thing in the morning. Is there any truth to this idea? Most importantly is it likely to help you achieve your fitness goals? Get the full scoop on fasted cardio.

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Resistance Training and Afterburn: Does Resistance Training Increase EPOC?

Resistance Training and Afterburn: Does Resistance Training Increase EPOC?

Who doesn’t want to keep burning fat even after they stop working out? When you work out intensely, your metabolism remains high for hours after an exercise session due to a phenomenon called EPOC or the afterburn effect. Most people think that you get a significant afterburn only after high-intensity aerobics – but what about resistance training? Does resistance exercise create an afterburn too?

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