
Tag: cholesterol

Heart Health: What Your Cholesterol Level Doesn't Tell You

Heart Health: What Your Cholesterol Level Doesn’t Tell You

Do you know how high your cholesterol is? If you’ve had a standard lipid test, the test measured your LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Knowing these values is important, but for some people it may not be enough. Find out what standard lipid testing doesn’t tell you and why it’s important to know.

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Inflammation and Heart Disease: How Strong Is the Link?

Inflammation and Heart Disease: How Strong Is the Link?

You hear so much about cholesterol and the role it plays in heart disease but there’s growing evidence that inflammation may the underlying fire that fuels heart disease. Find out more about the role inflammation plays in heart disease and why a high cholesterol level isn’t the full story.

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Beyond Cholesterol: How Inflammation Puts You at Risk for Heart Disease

Beyond Cholesterol: How Inflammation Puts You at Risk for Heart Disease

Most people focus on their cholesterol as a marker for their risk for heart disease but it’s not the only one. There’s growing evidence that inflammation plays a role in heart disease and you can measure that through a blood test. Find out more about the role inflammation plays in heart disease, how to measure it and how to reduce inflammation.

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February Is Heart Health Month: Do You Know Your Numbers?

February Is Heart Health Month: Do You Know Your Numbers?

The month of February is dedicated to raising heart disease awareness. The number one killer of Americans each year is heart disease. Death by heart attack his highly preventable but most people do not know that they are at risk. One very small and simple step that every person can take is to know their numbers.

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Ten Fascinating Health Benefits of Oats

Oats are a popular breakfast food, with many people adding fruit and nuts to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Oats are famous for being an affordable, robust source of energy, and it turns out that they are also extremely good for your body in a number of other interesting and surprising ways. Read on to discover ten reasons why regularly adding more oats to your diet could help to boost your health and improve your quality of life.

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Giving credit where credit is due – by Pam

I don’t know why I haven’t submitted my story sooner. I guess it’s because I’ve been so busy working out and complaining about my progress – or what I have considered “lack of progress”. Then it hit me the other day that I HAVE made great progress this year. It hit me when I realized

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Cathe not Meds! by Sister4Ever

In April of 2007, I went in for a routine physical. I have always exercised with exercise videos and dvds and I considered myself healthy. I was actually looking forward to the doctor coming in and saying how great my results were! Instead, the doctor told me my cholesterol was very high and she wanted

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Helping Others Helps You! – by Diana

When my husband became sick his Doctor recommended that he change his diet and excercise more. To show him support I decided to do eat better and excercise more with him. We started eating more fish, salmon and chicken more fruits and more vegetables. We also ate whole grains, brown rice and started taking vitamins

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