
Tag: cholesterol

Coffee and Cholesterol

Coffee and Cholesterol: Friend or Foe?

Discover the complex relationship between coffee and heart health. Learn how coffee preparation methods and add-ins like creamers and sweeteners may impact your LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Find out the best ways to enjoy your daily brew while supporting healthy cholesterol.

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8 Surprising Facts About Eggs

8 Surprising Facts About Eggs

How much do you know about eggs? Sure, they’re a popular breakfast food but not all eggs are the same. Plus, a lot of people still subscribe to health myths about an egg, believing that eating eggs contributes to heart disease. Read on and discover 8 facts you might not know about an egg.

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Is Hdl-Cholesterol Really Protective Against Heart Disease?

Is Hdl-Cholesterol Really Protective Against Heart Disease?

The risk of heart disease goes up in women after menopause. One factor previously thought to be protective is having a high HDL-cholesterol, the good form of cholesterol that supposedly removes plaque from the inside of arteries – but more recent research calls this idea into question, especially in women. Find out why a high HDL-cholesterol may not be as protective as previously thought.

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Eggland’s Best Eggs: More than Just a Protein Source

Eggland’s Best Eggs: More than Just a Protein Source

You probably already know that Eggland’s Best eggs are a good source of protein – but they’re so much more than that. Did you know eggs contain antioxidants? Find out more about the health benefits of eggs and why they’re a good choice for breakfast or any meal.

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