Hidden Calories: 5 High-Calorie Condiments That Add Inches to Your Waistline
Here are five condiments that are a common source of hidden calories and some lower calorie substitutes you should try. Find out more.
Here are five condiments that are a common source of hidden calories and some lower calorie substitutes you should try. Find out more.
This article discusses food cravings in men and women, which sex has more and how the two sexes differ in the types of food they crave.
Thanksgiving likely brings up memories of your grandmother’s sweet potato casserole, your mom’s apple pie, and the most delicious turkey you’ve ever had.
Why would someone choose to drink a non-dairy source of milk? How do the non-dairy milk alternatives compare nutritionally, and how can you choose the one that’s best for you?
If you exercise outdoors, you may wonder whether you’re burning more calories. Find out why cold weather workouts may not burn more calories after all.
To lose a pound of fat you have to reduce your calorie intake by 3,500 calories since that’s how many calories are equal to a pound of fat. Is this true?
It’s smart to look up restaurant nutritional information before you dine out. When you’ve already planned your meal before you reach the restaurant, you’re less likely to order a high-calorie item on impulse – but don’t believe everything you read.
Can’t lose weight? Maybe it’s those hidden calories. Here are five sneaky sources of hidden calories that could be making it harder for you to lose weight.
You watch your diet during the week and work out regularly. But when the weekend rolls around, you let down your guard, and enjoy all of those decadent treats you passed up during the week.
Hungry all the time? It may be what you’re eating – or not eating. According to a new study published in the journal Obesity, eating a higher protein diet and adding a source of protein to every meal helps to control appetite.
Find out what research shows about the link between exercise and appetite and whether you’ll eat less after you work out.
Do you head to the refrigerator for a late-night snack before hitting the sack? Find out what causes late-night eating and how to break the habit.