Tag: blood sugar levels

How birth weight affects your risk for obesity

How Birth Weight Affects Your Risk for Obesity

Genetics are one factor that impact a person’s risk for obesity, but genetics can be modified by environment – but it’s important to start early. Recent research shows the roots of obesity may extend all the way back to in utero and that factors like birth weight have a major influence. Find out how birth weight influences later risk for obesity and other “early” factors that affect the risk.

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The Science of Food Cravings

The Science of Food Cravings

If you’re like most people, you have cravings for unhealthy foods, usually ones that are high in carbs like chips or cookies. Have you ever wondered what causes them? Are the biological or strictly psychological? Find out what the current thinking is on this and some simple ways to keep cravings at bay.

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glycemic index

Why It Isn’t Important to Know a Food’s Glycemic Index

Low-glycemic diets like the South Beach diet have been popular for a while now, but how important is it to follow a low-glycemic diet? Find out more the shortcomings of depending on glycemic index for making food choices, why glycemic load is a better measure and why knowing either value isn’t as important as you think.

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