Tag: after burn

Maximizing Afterburn: What Role Does Diet Play?

Maximizing Afterburn: What Role Does Diet Play?

One of the benefits of high-intensity interval training is the afte-burn effect. Afterburn, also known as EPOC, is the excess energy and calories your body has to expend to recover from an intense workout. The afterburn can keep your metabolism “revved up” for hours after you’ve finished exercising. What effect does diet or fasting prior to a high-intensity workout have on afterburn?

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What Exactly Is a Metabolic Workout?

What Exactly Is a Metabolic Workout?

In recent years, metabolic workouts have grown in popularity. Metabolic training is time expedient and research suggests it may be more effective for burning fat. This article discusses what metabolic workouts are and why they’re beneficial.

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Exercise After-Burn: Does a New Hormone Explain This Phenomenon?

Exercise After-Burn: Does a New Hormone Explain This Phenomenon?

Growth hormone, testosterone, epinephrine – they all play a role in help you build a better physique. Now there may be a new one to add to the list – irisin. New research suggests that irisin may play an active role in fat burning and may partially explain the after-burn effect that occurs after intense exercise. Find out more about this novel hormone named after a Greek goddess.

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