Tag: aerobic exercise

Hormonal Response to High-Intensity Training: Why It Burns More Fat

Hormonal Response to High-Intensity Training: Why It Burns More Fat

Research suggests that high-intensity exercise is better than long periods of cardio for shedding body fat – but have you ever wondered why? After all, trainers used to tell you to exercise in the fat-burning zone for fat loss. Find out why higher intensity workouts where you’re NOT in the fat-burning zone work so well for fat loss.

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Caloric Expenditure in Different Modes of Exercise

Caloric Expenditure in Different Modes of Exercise

Keeping your body in top shape, minimizing the risk of life-threatening diseases, enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness and improving your body composition may be some compelling reasons that might motivate you to engage in aerobic activities. However, it’s worth noting that different modes of exercise influence your caloric expenditure differently. In other words, different types of exercise burn different amounts of calories.

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Surprising benefits of a kickboxing workout

Surprising Benefits of a Kickboxing Workout

Are you looking for way to add variety to your fitness routine? Kickboxing is a total body workout that builds muscle endurance and stamina – but it has other benefits as well. Plus, you can increase the calorie burn even more by adding high-intensity intervals to a kickboxing workout. Here are some other surprising health and fitness benefits of a kickboxing workout.

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How Much Can You Improve Your V02 Max?

How Much Can You Improve Your V02 Max?

One of the benefits of aerobic exercise is it improves aerobic capacity or the ability of muscles to use oxygen to make energy. An indirect measure of this is called V02 max. Have you ever wondered how much you can improve your aerobic capacity or V02 max? Find out more about maximizing aerobic capacity.

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Can Exercise Prevent High Blood Pressure?

Can Exercise Prevent High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is so common that most people can expect to get it if they live long enough. We know that lifestyle plays a role in maintaining a healthy blood pressure – including exercise. But what if you’re predisposed to hypertension, can exercise prevent it?

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Can Resistance Training Make You Less Anxious?

Can Resistance Training Make You Less Anxious?

If you’re feeling a little anxious, make a stop at the gym or work out to a strength training DVD at home for some resistance training. New research shows it helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and it does it without medications. Is strength training a natural anxiety reliever?

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Are You a High Responder or Low Responder to Aerobic Exercise?

Are You a High Responder or Low Responder to Aerobic Exercise?

Not everyone responds the same to exercise. Some people see visible results faster than others. People who have more of an ectomorphic body type have to work harder and take in more calories to build muscle. On the other hand, mesomorphs gain muscle definition quickly. What about endurance exercise? Just as there are differences in how quickly people can build lean body mass, there are variations in individual responses to cardiovascular exercise.

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