Green Tomatoes to Increase Muscle Growth?

Green Tomatoes to Increase Muscle Growth?

Green tomatoes might not be the first food that comes to mind when you think of muscle growth. After all, a green tomato is a pretty unimpressive source of protein. But scientists at the University of Iowa recently discovered an ingredient in green tomatoes that could boost muscle growth and help offset the loss of muscle mass as we age.

Age-Related Muscle Loss: The Problem of Sarcopenia

Muscle loss with age is a problem. We start to lose muscle after the age of 30 and this process accelerates during late middle age. Once people get into late middle age, a large number are “sarcopenic,” meaning they’ve lost significant amounts of muscle mass due to inactivity. This puts them at risk for falls and broken bones and makes them frail. It also keeps them from doing the things they once enjoyed. In fact, many experts believe sarcopenia is the next big epidemic as the number of older people increases.

Why do we lose muscle mass and strength as we age? For one, growth hormone and testosterone levels decrease along with another hormone-like molecule called IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 is an anabolic protein that boosts muscle protein synthesis. Muscles are in a constant state of breakdown and protein synthesis. As we age, the balance tips toward muscle loss as protein synthesis fails to keep up with muscle protein breakdown. Our brains also become less efficient at signaling muscles to contract. This is partially due to a loss of motor neurons, nerves that signal the muscle cells to contract. As the nerve connection to the muscle is lost, the associated muscle fibers become smaller and eventually die.

Part of the problem stems from simple inactivity. Muscles that aren’t used atrophy and contract in size. How many older people do you see pumping iron? Well, why not? You can build muscle size and mass at any age, so age isn’t a reason not to do it. Nutrition plays a role too. There’s some evidence that we need more protein as we age to reduce the loss of muscle tissue.

Green Tomatoes and Muscle Growth

A team of researchers at the University of Iowa found tomatidine, an ingredient in green tomatoes stimulates human muscle cells in the laboratory, causing them to grow. Tomatidine seems to “turn on” genes that code for muscle growth, causing these silent genes to wake up and begin expressing themselves. Why are researchers so excited about these results? They’re hoping this natural ingredient might prevent age-related loss of muscle mass and even reverse sarcopenia, a problem that’s becoming a large scale health issue.

After seeing how effective tomatidine was in the laboratory, they gave it to mice. The mice enjoyed some pretty impressive benefits, at least from a human perspective. Their muscles grew in size, their endurance increased and their muscles became stronger. This all happened without an increase in weight. In fact, the mice supplemented with tomatidine lost body fat while gaining muscle. Sounds like the ideal workout food, doesn’t it?

The question is how much tomatidine would a person need to get the benefits and how many green tomatoes does that add up to? For most people, a supplement would be more practical, assuming it’s safe since green tomatoes don’t top the favorite food list of most people.

What Exactly is Tomatadine?

Tomatidine is a flavonoid found in green tomatoes. Flavonoids are plant-based compounds with antioxidant activity, meaning they protect against free radical damage. In one small study tomatidine blocked the growth of cancer cells. It also seems to have anti-bacterial properties. This isn’t surprising since other types of flavonoids like those found in tea and dark-colored berries, seem to have health benefits. So, tomatidine may have benefits that go beyond building muscle.

The Bottom Line?

This is an exciting study but more research is needed in humans. If tomatidine proves to be as safe and effective in humans as it is in mice, it could be the next ingredient bodybuilders add to their morning smoothie. It might also help seniors suffering from sarcopenia. Of course, the best way to build muscle mass and preserve it as you age is to do resistance training.

Remember how we said protein synthesis decreases with age? One study showed protein synthesis begins to increase within two weeks of starting a resistance training program. Another study showed even elderly men and women with significant loss of muscle mass experience an increase in protein synthesis in response to progressive resistance training.

Lift weights now and enjoy the benefits later. Research shows resistance training during middle age reduces the risk of sarcopenia as you age. Even people who have already entered their “twilight” years can still build muscle strength and mass through resistance training. Older people who exercise enjoy other health benefits – research shows it improves cognitive function too. Good for the muscles – and good for the brain. What’s not to love about resistance training? It’s one of the best things you can do for your muscles, bones and your brain.



WebMD. “Sarcopenia with Aging”

Medical News Today. “Green Tomatoes May Hold the Answer to Bigger, Stronger Muscles

Linus Pauling Institute. “Cancer Chemoprevention”

Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2004 Summer;59(3):113-22.

Sarcopenia: The Mystery of Muscle Loss. Chantal Vella, M.S., and Len Kravitz, Ph.D. “Weight Training, Walking Improve Cognition in the Elderly”


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