Summer Savings!
Take advantage of our Special June Coupons and save on nearly all of our DVDs, digital downloads and Fitness by Cathe accessories. Coupons expire June 30th, 2011. Complete terms and conditions available on – Shop Now
Take advantage of our Special June Coupons and save on nearly all of our DVDs, digital downloads and Fitness by Cathe accessories. Coupons expire June 30th, 2011. Complete terms and conditions available on – Shop Now
Hi Everyone! This month we will do muscle confusion in a new format. We will do endurance one week, strength the next week, power the third week and a little of all of them on the fourth week. Shock your system, burn fat, create lean muscle mass and condition your heart. That’s the way to
I have just returned from the FitBloggin’ Conference that was held May 20 – 21, 2011 in downtown Baltimore, MD at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront hotel. The FitBloggin’ Conference is for people who blog about fitness, wellness, good food and a healthy lifestyle. According to their website, “the stated goal of FitBloggin’ is to bring
Our Casting call to be in Cathe’s Cycle Max video is open to all attendees who are attending either the Glassboro or Disney Road Trip this summer. A total of 8 people will be selected from these two tryouts to be in our Cycle Max video which is tentatively scheduled to be filmed August 7th
If you’ve ever dreamed or wanted to be in a Cathe video, this is your best chance and opportunity… and you don’t want to miss it! We’re looking for eight fit and enthusiastic Cathletes for Cathe’s zero impact Cycle Max video shoot. Casting calls are limited to those attending the Disney and/or Glassboro Road trips.
The Pre-Sale has now started for Cathe’s new Low Impact series DVDs and downloads that have an estimated ship date of 8-31-2011. To preorder-Click Here If you love high intensity workouts, but not the impact then Cathe’s Low Impact Series is for you! Pre-Order now and save well over 50% on Cathe’s limited edition Low
The Low Impact Series was designed for those of you who want to get the most out of your workouts and you really love high-intensity routines, but your joints no longer can handle the jumping and high impact exercises. T
You can still sign up for our 2011 Cathe Road Trip at Walt Disney World® Resort that will be held Friday July 1st through Monday July 4th, 2011, but time is running out. This will truly be the most unique and magical tour event we have ever held and you don’t want to miss it!
Hi Everyone! I have some very exciting news that I’m dying to share with you. Well, as most of you know, a request for a low impact workout series has pretty much topped the charts on the Suggestion’s forum on our website. In fact, I’ll even go so far as to say it is “the
We hope you’re enjoying our newly redesigned Newsletter. In our next Newsletter, that will be released on Monday, April 4th at 10 am you will find the following topics: 1. How Does Aerobic Capacity Change With Age? 2. Does Resistance Training Help With Weight Loss? 3. 5-Minute Low-Calorie, High-Fiber Meals 4. Does Resistance Training Improve
We’re ending National Nutrition Month with a party, and you are all invited! Join Eggland’s Best this Thursday, March 31st at 8:00 PM Eastern time for our first Twitter Party of the year. If you have never attended one, don’t worry – it’s easy, fun and free! To participate in the EB Twitter Party, follow
Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey advocate it, along with star chefs Mario Batali and Wolfgang Puck. Whether you are inspired to try a meatless meal on Monday, or any day of the week, going vegetarian is among the hottest food trends. According to the Vegetarian Resource Group, between 30 and 50 percent of adults in the