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Try This Nutritional Hack to Get More Beta-Carotene from Your Next Salad

One reason to eat a salad every day is to get more anti-inflammatory antioxidants in your diet. One of these is called beta-carotene. But are you getting the full benefits of the beta-carotene in salads? Here’s a nutritional hack that will ensure that you do.  

Risk of injury doing box jumps
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Form Is Critical:5 Common Exercises That Carry a High Risk of Injury

Exercise is essential for staying fit and healthy, but it’s also important to stay healthy and not get injured. Certain exercises carry a higher risk of injury than others. Here are five higher-risk exercises and how to lower your risk of injury if you do them. 

Mental Health
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Beyond Exercise: 5 Daily Habits That Will Improve Your Mental Health and Physical Health

Stress is hard to avoid completely, but there are some lifestyle habits you can adopt to help you cope with it more effectively. Here are simple habits that can elevate your mood and lower your stress level while improving your mental health.