Squats and flexibility
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How Squats Can Improve Your Flexibility

Squats are one of the best kind of exercises when it comes to building lower body strength, but can they also make you more flexible? This article explores the myth that strength training exercises, like squats, shorten muscles and reduce flexibility and how they can make you more flexible.

Benefits of tea
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A Closer Look at the Nutritional and Antioxidant Benefits of Tea

Tea is a delightful beverage to sip, but what about its nutritional benefits? Tea has antioxidant properties that have been associated with various health benefits. This article will delve into the nutritional and antioxidant benefits of tea of diverse types.

Emotional Eating
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5 Steps to Conquer Emotional Eating

Whether you eat to distract yourself from unhappy emotions, to soothe emotional pain, or out of habit, emotional eating can wreak havoc on your waistline and wellbeing. But emotional eating does not have to completely sabotage your efforts towards a healthier lifestyle. Discover 5 steps you can take to conquer this common problem.

Cathe's December 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2021 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s December 2021 workout rotation mixes older workouts and newer workouts as well as a mix of total bodyweight workouts and multiple cardio types.  The goal is to keep that metabolism revved up to help handle any extra holiday calories… wink!  Have fun and take extra rest as needed. Let’s finish this year with strength and stamina!  You’ve got this!