Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors
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Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors VS Upper Arm Blood Pressure Cuffs: How Accurate?

If you check your blood pressure at home (and you should), should you use a wrist monitor?   Find out whether wrist blood pressure monitors are accurate and how they compare to blood pressure monitors that are placed across the upper arm.

Physical Activity
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No, Physical Activity is Not the Same as Exercise but Do Both Have Benefits?

You might believe that exercise and physical activity are synonymous, but this is not the case. Even though exercise is a type of physical activity, not all physical activity is exercise. Here’s how the two differ and whether both offer fitness benefits.

Cathe Friedrich doing deadlifts
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5 Reasons You Should Deadlift (Even if You Think You Can’t)

Are deadlifts part of your strength-training routine? If not, they should be. They might be a little intimidating at first, but the rewards of deadlifting are worth it. Discover 5 powerful reasons why deadlifting should be part of your strength-training routine.

Cathe February 2022 Workout Rotation

Cathe February 2022 Workout Rotation

This month ( February 2022 Workout Rotation ) we’ll focus on strength and stamina as we alternate weight days and cardio days including three different cardio types each week. If you aren’t a stepper you can replace the IMAX days with an intense cardio of choice. Please insert extra rest days as needed. You’ve got this! 

Mindful Eating
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How to Practice Mindful Eating for Weight Control (in 5 Effective Ways)

Watching what you eat, counting calories, and eating healthy foods is a good start for weight loss, but if you aren’t eating in a mindful manner, your weight may not budge. Here are five effective strategies for mindful eating for weight loss and weight control.