Go for the Burn!
A group shot of everyone working their triceps with a band in Boot Camp
A group shot of everyone working their triceps with a band in Boot Camp
Cathe and Lorraine really go for the burn with Tricep band kickbacks
Cathe and Jai work their biceps on a stability ball using heavy dumbbells in Boot Camp.
Cathe, Brenda and Lorraine working their biceps in Boot Camp by doing dumbbell concentration curls.
Cathe performs Tricep Dips with her hands on a High Step and her feet elevated on a ball.
Biceps and Triceps heavy weight work is included in 4 Day Split Cardio and Weights.
Cathe, Cedie, Brenda, Jai, and Lorraine working hard during the filming of Boot Camp. We will be back tomorrow with more pictures, so keep checking back on the Behind the Scenes Blog.
Cathe, Brenda and Lorraine do a little kickbox during the warm-up to Boot Camp.
Cathe, Brenda and Lorraine work up a sweat during the filming of 4Day Split – Boot Camp
With a block from Cedie, Cathe scores- – – Okay, what did you expect from NFL Films. After all, they film football games! Seriously, this drill is called a suicide run and though it looks like it takes a lot of room it can easily be modified for people who don’t have a football field…
Cedie puts her game face on during one of the high intensity drills in Boot Camp.
A side shot of Cathe performing a band hop drill in Boot Camp.